- Aktivit, spol. s r.o.
- Contacts
- Products
- Facilities for assembly
- Assembly line Pierburg
- Assembly lines Continental Automotive
- Assembly line Benteler
- Assembly line TRW
- The new assembly station
- Gantries
- The Infeed Gantry with a single Vertical Axis
- The Infeed Gantry with Two Vertical Axes
- The pallet cell
- Clamping heads
- Washing machines
- VMP Micro
- The through cycle washing machine
- The circulating pallet washing machine
- The through-feed pallet washing machine
- The drum washing machine
- Conveyor
- The prismatic chain conveyor
- The toothed chain conveyor
- The plate chain conveyor
- The latching conveyor
- The conveyor with chains with friction rollers
- The circulating conveyor with a flat plastic chain, radius 254 mm
- Special conveyor
- The conveyor with free moving rollers
- The friction roller conveyor
- The pallet circulating conveyor with steel chain
- The indexing conveyor
- Special machines
- Manipulator with parallel operation
- The manipulator for the assembly of the cockpit onto the bodywork
- The manipulator for the assembly of the doors
- The manipulator for the assembly of the front end
- Manipulator for VW Poznaň
- Referencies
- Partners
- The company
- History
- Career
- Support of local development
- Quality and environmental management
- Photogallery
- News
- Privacy
- Privacy
- Development programs
- Whistleblowing - protection of whistleblowers